28 ago 2008

Bussines Fair "Sena Seccional Santander"

The day will take place on September 15 the meetting of business projects organized by the SENA, in the event that Pa Q´Conozaca participate with a sample of what the company.

This year also is expeted to be granted this space for the institution continue at the forefront of the universe business regionally, talking advantage of related products offered and business ties already forged to hit to all who attend.

Please accept the invitation to the event will include not just by his presence PaQ´Conozaca but throughout the resurgence of the ideas school in a real environment.

Mission and Vision

the entity PaQ'Conozca is focused on the resurgence of Santander's Culture through the acculturation of tourist spots in the region, while creating business links between the various companies involved in tourism, To pursue happiness of tourists Santander to recognize as a myriad of benefits; As it is for natives of the area.

Vision: In the year 2014 PaQ'Conozca be recognized as regards tourism at the regional level, being considered one of the main flagship companies in promoting the santanderean's culture, Not to mention the comfort of customers who come to it, drawing smiles on all persons involved with it